I’ve been
putting this off for ages but here it is, my final Africa blog (with the ‘scoop’
on my next destination)! I’ve been home for three weeks now and I finally feel
like I’m settling in a little bit (not for long though, more on that later). It’s
hard to describe the feeling but the first few weeks it was like I was dreaming
and would wake up back in Africa. Don’t get me wrong, it’s nice to be back and
see everyone (and my horse!) but I felt a bit lost without the bush and the
daily work with the horses. I know I’m lucky that I don’t have a job right now
and can just do whatever I want for a couple of weeks while everyone else is
working hard, but trust me, it gets boring. I wish I had something to
structure my days a bit more. I also miss the African way of life. Only when
you leave do you notice how stressed we all are worrying about silly things.

So the past
couple of weeks I’ve been trying to catch up with everyone back home, went on
two horse riding weekends, celebrated my birthday, saw movies, had drinks and
dinners and sleepovers with friends, enjoyed the lovely (and not so lovely)
weather, trained my horse (I think she’s happy I’m leaving again soon) and
whatnot. A big thank you to everyone who took the time to see me these past
couple of weeks, I know you’re all busy but you made it a lot easier for me to
be back.
Let’s get
caught up on my last two weeks in Africa. I did lots of riding and training (no
surprise there), taught riding lessons, we took out guest rides. One day we had
guests who wanted to have lunch at the halfway point so while Sakhile took out
the guests on the horses, me and two others took a van into the park to bring
the food. They do these kind of things on rides often but had never done it at
this particular spot because it’s not that easy to reach by car. The roads were
quite bad because of the heavy rains we’d had but we ventured out anyway. Annnd... we
almost got the car stuck! Thankfully we had a skilled driver who managed to
turn the van around (in a quite dense forest) and we took another way around.
Then we had to carry the food to the lake as the car couldn’t get that far. We
managed to get everything set up just in time though and the guests loved it.

What else?
Heleen came by for another riding lesson and she cantered (on her own!). I was
so proud, she had improved so much and I was positive she could do it. She was
(understandably) a bit nervous at first but she persisted and she did great! I
tried show jumping with Camelot, who seemed really confused as to what to do
with her legs when jumping but eventually loved it. Christine and I went on
another beautiful ride to Sandy Point. This time I only almost died twice on that narrow, thorny path. Mariska, Christine, Martijn and I also
went to St.Lucia for a day where we had the best sushi ever, betted on who
could take the most selfies with different animals and took a boat tour with
some hippos (and crocs). Ow and on the drive there and back we almost ran over
a hippo and an elephant, no biggie.

Before I
knew it my time in Hluhluwe was over and we were on our way to the airport where
I arrived 15 minutes before take off and still had time to sit down and be
bored (that doesn’t mean I wasn’t stressing on the way there as you can
probably imagine). I want to thank everyone for making my time in Zululand so special. I
feel blessed to have met you all and I’m going to miss you loads! May we meet
again ;)
...Ow wait, you’re
probably wondering what’s next (at least everybody keeps asking me that). Like
I said I’m not home for long because next Friday I’m taking another plane to …*drumroll*… Wyoming!!! I’m going back to MaeCile and the
ranch (where I went on vacation last year, see earlier blog entries) to help
out for the summer. I’m going to spend ten weeks riding, training, learning,
exploring and whatever else comes along. And of course meeting new people and
catching up with old friends. I can’t wait! Of course I’ll keep you posted
through this blog so see you soon!