It’s hard to believe it’s almost Christmas. Listening to
christmas music in 30 degree weather just doesn’t have the same feel to it as
drinking hot chocolate at the ice rink or your train being delayed because of
the snow. And I do love Christmas, the cheasier the better. But I must say it
is nice to still be able to walk around in shorts and sit outside in the
evenings. It’s different.

I’ve had a busy week with lots of trail rides and horse
riding lessons. I’m happy the trails are a bit busier now, I’ve met so many
interesting people, I love hearing everyones stories. And I went riding with
Stefanie! Even though we ended up riding in the rain (felt just like home), we
had a lovely ride and chatted the whole way. The riding lessons went great as
well. I’m teaching a ten year old girl named Ka’tia. She just loves being with
the horses, adores Tshoks and she’s doing great with her riding. She went from
being nervous about riding without me holding the horse, to trotting around the
arena over one lesson. After just three lessons she already knows how to do a
rising trot and she’s even cantered. She is so excited about everything and
very eager to learn. She made me the cutest card saying I am the best riding
teacher ever, so sweet! Both Meghan and Evan have also come by for a few riding
lessons and they’re making great progress.

Even though I love working with the horses, it was really
nice to get away from everything for a bit as well. I spent a weekend at
Heleen’s, in the park. It was by far one of the best experiences ever. We saw
so many rhino, elephant, giraffe, zebra, antilope and what not, we spend almost
an hour looking at lions sitting about three metres from our car, I got the chance
to see cheetah and wild dogs (they’re so beautiful, I loved watching them
interact with each other). I also got the opportunity to work with three horses
of which nobody knew anything, not even their ages or breed. The park had
acquired them to use in the field but they didn’t have anyone to train them yet
so they didn’t know if they were even ridable. One of them couldn’t even be
caught at first. I worked with him for two hours and after that I was able to
ride him around the paddock. It was such a rush to realize I had given him that
trust and a very rewarding experience. It gave me some confidence in my
abilities as a trainer.
I made some progress with our own horses as well. After
training Bullet with the bitless bridle on the trails and training him to ride
without a bridle in the arena I decided to take him for a ride around the
property with just a rope around his neck to steer him. He was amazing, it felt
no different from riding him with a bridle, he still responded perfectly to my
steering and I could stop him just fine. Since I’m possibly insane, I decided
to then try it on a proper training ride in the plantations as well and it went
amazing! We even cantered without a bridle, made me really proud. Meanwhile,
Lancelot’s training is going very well, Daphne and I started riding him at the
beginning of November and he’s been very good. On some of the rides, he bucked
during trotting but on my last ride with Mariette he was perfectly fine. I
think I’m going to take him on a guesttrail this weekend, it’s just walking so
that should be fine.

As for my plans for next year, I’m pretty sure about what my
next destination will be. It’s something horse related but it’ll be in a very
different environment, about 30 degrees colder for one. Any guesses on where
that’ll be?