Happy belated new year! Can’t believe how fast this year
flew by, never had I ever thought I’d be where I am right now. If you had told
me last year that I’d be celebrating New Years in South Africa I would have
laughed. It was an interesting experience to celebrate both Christmas and New
Years in the heat, I must say it just doesn’t have the same feel to it. Next
year I want the cheesiest Christmas ever, with snow, markets, decorations,
carols and everything to make up for it. It’s been a pretty awesome year
though, mostly because of all the great people I’ve met on my travels. I’ve
also learned that you don’t have to physically be close to someone to be really
close to that person. So to all my friends: thank you for being there for me
and always listening to my rants.

I’ve spend most of 2017 travelling and I hope to be doing
that in 2018 as well. On that note, my next destination is *drumroll* Iceland!
That will certainly be different climate wise ;) I’ll be going there over March
and April to work at a stables, similar set-up as here: horsecare, training and
trail guiding. But with Icelandic horses! And to make it even better, Ilona
will be there as well! Remember her from my first South Africa adventure almost
three years ago? Can’t wait to travel and work with her again. I don’t really
do New Years resolutions but I do have a lot of plans for the coming years, and
they involve travelling and horses. It’s still very tentative but I will
definitely keep you posted!

We’ve been quite busy over the holidays. I’ve had a lot of
trailrides with some really nice guests and I had some company on my training
rides as well. It was nice to have some people to chat to and to help with the
horses as it can get tiring sometimes, no matter how much fun it is to ride out
here. For New Years we had a ‘recycling’ theme party where everyone had to
dress in plastic (let me tell you, that’s not the best thing to be wearing in
30 degree Celsius weather). And of course half the people there (including me)
ended up in the pool. Last week I went to Richards Bay with Trienke to do
shopping. Being in the mall made me realise how secluded we are here, it was so
strange to see ‘normal’ shops again, I felt like someone from a tiny remote
town in the middle of nowhere who goes to the big city for the first time.

I had a few days off this past weekend and Heleen had
invited me over again so I went back to the park. It was so nice to get away
from everything for a while and I love spending time with Heleen and her
family. It was very warm but we still saw loads of buffalo, rhino, giraffe,
zebra, antilope, warthog, birds, monkeys, baboons and the lions (having a nap
next to the road). We went to see the horses again and this time I worked with
the third horse that I didn’t have time for on the last visit, while Heleen
worked with Spirit. Storm was very grumpy and nippy but as I worked with him he
got a lot better. He’s a sensitive horse but he was good when I rode him (after
a few bucks) and Fi and I even took him and Spirit on a little ride into the
park. Both of them were very alert but they didn’t spook or try to run so I was
quite happy with that. Ow and we didn’t get eaten by a lion ;)
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