1. Be flexible

Travelling has taught me to always see the good in everything. Of course it's amazing to be travelling this much and I realize how lucky I am that I get to do this, instead of sitting at a desk all day. But as with anything else, it's not always just easy and fun. At times, it's hard work, there are moments where I really miss my friends and sometimes I wonder what I am doing here and why I am not putting my degree to better use. But than I ride a horse with the wind in my hair and a gorgeous view in front of me and I just feel so happy. The past year had many highs and a few lows. But a good friend reminded me that even when things don't go your way, there is always something good that came from it. My friendship with her was one of those things! Looking back on it, it opened up other opportunities and most of all, it taught me a lot about what I can do, how to stand my ground and what is really important.
3. My own strengths

4. The importance of friendship
The highlight of every trip were the people I met on the way. With some, I only got to spend a few days, others a few months. But every single one of them played an important part in making all my trips so amazing and a lot of them I consider close friends. I love meeting new people, hearing their stories, getting to know them and have adventures together. It's crazy how close you can get to someone over just a short period of time. But it's not just new friends, I also appreciate my 'old' friends more. Being away from my close friends is hard but thankfully I speak to most of them regularly. They know me better than I know myself sometimes and they always manage to cheer me up. I've met some wonderful people who really understand me and even though they are sometimes far away, I know I can always call them. I feel very blessed to have friendships in which distance doesn´t matter.
5. Inspire and be inspired
A friend recently told me that she felt so inspired and motivated by what I am doing and I realised that was the best compliment she could give me. What I love most about working at the ranch is that I get to share my passion with others and teach them, help them to get better and reach their goals. I always encourage people to do what they love, even if it's hard or takes a while. So realizing that by just doing what I'm doing, working and travelling, I can encourage and inspire others to do what they want made me really happy. And it works the other way around as well, hearing about other people's plans and adventures inspires me too. Every single person you meet, changes your outlook and perspective on life.